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Hack your iPhone: install applications with Installer.app and AppTapp

Hack your iPhone: install applications with Installer.app and AppTapp

(By the way, when I talk about “hacking” your iPhone, I mean closer to “modding”. I’m interested in running third-party native applications on my iPhone, and don’t care as much about unlocking the iPhone to work with other carriers.)

I’m amazed at the pace of iPhone hacking. Even a week ago, you’d see multi-step guides to installing apps on an iPhone. Now there’s a program (Installer.app) with a front-end called AppTapp that does everything in a nice graphical user interface (GUI) for you. You don’t have to type a single command, but you will need an Apple computer (either Intel-based or PowerPC-based works).

Disable automatic sync in iTunes

First, plug your iPhone into your computer so that iTunes comes on. On the left-hand side of the screen under “Devices” click on your iPhone, and then on the page that comes up, click so that “Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected” is OFF. It looks like this:

Disable the synchronization in iTunes

(By the way, to grab a screenshot of a window on a Mac and save it to the desktop, you need to hit Command-Shift-4, then the space bar, then click a window. Sheesh.)

Download and run AppTapp

The combination of AppTapp and Installer.app lets you add applications to your iPhone with almost no effort:

- Make sure that iTunes isn’t running. Plug your iPhone into your Apple computer and make sure that iTunes didn’t start running.
- Download AppTapp to your Apple computer from http://iphone.nullriver.com/beta/
- Run it.

That’s pretty much it. iPhone Atlas has the best walkthrough I’ve seen if you want more details about AppTapp/Installer.app or what to do after you’ve run AppTapp. The short version is to update Installer.app first (touch the “Update” tab). Next you want to install the Launcher program (you can only see 16 icons on your iPhone, so installing Launcher ensures that one of those first 16 icons can access other applications).

After that, you’ve got a lot of options. The “Community Sources” package will give you even more choices for applications to install. Installing “OpenSSH” and “BSD Subsystem” is also recommended. Finally, if you install the MobileTerminal application, you can experience the joy of typing “ls” on your iPhone. Walking around with UNIX in your pocket is very nice. :) See the iPhone Atlas guide for screenshots and more info.

If you want to impress your fellow geeks, Lights Off was the first native game for the iPhone and it also looks great. My brother and I had a similar “turn the lights out” game when we were growing up, but it was called Merlin. Now you can play this game on much prettier handheld appliance. :)

More Resources

If you’re a Windows person and can’t beg/borrow a Mac from anyone, you might check out iBrickr. It lets you manage ringtones and applications on your iPhone.

If you don’t want to go the AppTapp/Installer.app way on a Mac, you might also check out iFuntastic. iFuntastic lets you tinker with all kinds of things, from ring tones to applications to multiple “home screens.” Each home screen can have a different set of icons. Version 3 was released just a few days ago and the new version adds PowerPC support.

As always, back up your data first, and any of this could (in theory) break your iPhone. I don’t think anything I’ve mentioned would get you in trouble with lawyerfolk, but if you’re worried, you can always play it safe and stick with the built-in applications on the iPhone. If you see errors above or know of another interesting way to install native third-party applications on an iPhone, please mention it in the comments.

Hacking the iPhone

iPhone Hacks
"it's more than just an iPod"
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Hacking the iPhone

The 1995 movie "Hackers" was a prelude to what the world will be like in a span of a decade. Because most of our lifestyle is controlled by technology, there are also computer geniuses who use their talents to hack this information. And they have been busy with Apple's latest technological release - the iPhone.

The iPhone Hack

The hackers have been working fast and furious on the recently released iPhone. They quickly discovered the two disk images that composed the restoring image system of Apple's iPhone mobile phone. They figured out the size of the ram disk and on how it kick starts the images that have been taken. It didn't take them very long.

The iPhone Hacker's Are Getting Ready To Strike

That's not all. There are also hackers who are doing their best to hack into the iTune system of the Apple iPhone. They are devoting both time and energy in order for them to lurk into the inner workings of the Apple iPhone model. Hackers aren't actively involved in the construction of the contraption, thus they lurk, ready to strike.

Who Are The iPhone Hacker's

Another reason hackers enjoy sifting through the Apple iPhone's technology is that the function can easily be accessed by the Ajax widgets. There aren't many hackers who are capable of exploring the iPhone's JavaScript system. This includes the ace hacker Joe Hewitt who released the Firebug to the iPhone. There are some experienced hackers who use their computers in order to debug the messages into the desktop browser which they execute on the JavaScript commands for the Apple iPhone.

Surviving The iPhone Hack

So, what's the solution? In order to figure out how the iPhone can escape the clutches of the hackers, the folks at iPhone are doing their best and are working extra long hours in hopes of protecting their customers from the inevitable. Amazingly, they have been succeeding partially, for now. The iPhone workers are testing the iPhones in order to check whether data can be hacked from the mobile and into the computer by the iPhone hackers.

Is The iPhone Hack Good Or Bad For iPhone Customers?

All is not bad though, because more iPhone customers will be able to enjoy the corporate rates from the hacking of the iPhone . These corporate rates aren't available to most iPhone customers because of the exclusive two year contract binding the phone model with Cingular. Since there have been reports that the Visual voicemail as well as the restoring of data is still functioning, It's way too early to know which features of the iPhone won't work well with the iPhone hack.

Can We Survive The iPhone Hack?

The difficulties and problems hackers cause may affect the iPhone's base band but the radio chipset of the iPhone can still be offset. There is no immediate or serious problem as long as the iPhone's hackers don't enter the chatroom feature, as well as the texting capability of the iPhone. Here's to surviving the iPhone hack!

Lastly, don't forget that there are several sites on the Internet that offer unlimited free iPhone downloads for the cost of a small membership fee. So, now you can download free iPhone movies, free iPhone games and free iPhone music videos and free iPhone music all at one convenient place. So, enjoy your new Apple iPhone, I know I do.

Bypass activation and prepare phone for software installation

Bypass activation and prepare phone for software installation

  1. Make sure you have a SIM-card with PIN turned off, and power on your phone (the supplied AT&T card works fine).
  2. On the activation screen, slide for emergency and dial: *#301# to make the phone call itself. (If the incoming call dialog quickly disappears but it keeps ringing, just dial 0 (remove *#301# first), and it will call itself)
  3. Answer the call, and tap on Hold
  4. Phone will call it self again, tap Decline. You will now be returned to the normal dialer.
  5. Tap on contacts, and tap the + icon to add a new. The only info you are going to add to this contact are two URL's. To add a URL, tap Add new URL. The first URL is prefs followed by a colon: prefs: and the second is i.unlock.no. Tap Save.
  6. Your contact now has two "web pages" - tap on the first one (prefs:). This will take you to the settings dialog. The reason you want this, is because you need to connect to a Wi-Fi network, so tap on Wi-Fi, and get connected to a network, and make sure the icon on top of the screen is indicating that you are connected. While you are in the settings dialog, you should also set: General → Auto-Lock → Never.
  7. Now, press the home button, and again, slide for emergency dial 0, Answer the call, Hold and Decline the new call so that you get to the contacts. Tap on your contact (No Name), and this time tap on the other home page, i.unlock.no
  8. Safari will launch and show you a webpage. Tap on Tap here to jailbreak your iPhone
  9. Phone will return to activation screen and after a few seconds the phone should restart.
  10. If the phone does not restart after waiting a full minute, please make sure that you have your phone connected to the computer and try again.
  11. When the phone starts again, it should no longer say slide for emergency, but rather Slide to unlock It means it was successfull! Activation is now bypassed, and phone prepared for software installation! (If you are going to use an AT&T SIM, you won't need to do the next step.)

Unlock the SIM-lock on jailbroken

  1. Open installer, and install the update if prompted.
  2. Go to sources and tap Edit and Add
  3. Add this URL: http://i.unlock.no
  4. Tap Done and then Refresh
  5. Go to Install (at bottom) and scroll down to the Unlocking Tools category and install AnySIM
  6. When installed you can press the home button, and you will find a new AnySIM icon on your home screen. Launch it and follow the instructions.
  7. The unlocking process will take about 5-10 minutes, in the end it should say it was successful!
  8. To clean up your phone, launch Installer and uninstall AnySIM. Then go to Settings → General → Auto-Lock and set it to a prefered value.
Congratulations, you are done!

How to jailbreak 1.1.2 or 1.1.3.

Regardless of whether you want to use 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 firmware, you must start with a jailbroken 1.1.1. Downgrade instructions are available here and Jailbreak for 1.1.1 here. When done continue reading here. Note: even if you want to use 1.1.3, you need to upgrade to and jailbreak 1.1.2 first. You should also unlock your 1.1.2 before upgrading.

Upgrading to 1.1.2

  1. On a 1.1.1 phone, open Installer and install OktoPrep located in the Tweaks 1.1.1 category.
  2. Download the 1.1.2 firmware file from Apple: iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw (right click link and save target)
  3. Connect your phone to your computer and open iTunes on the "summary" page.
  4. Hold down the SHIFT key (Windows) or Option/ALT-key (Mac) on your keyboard while clicking on the Upgrade button (not the restore button!). A file browsing dialog should appear, and you must select the firmware file you downloaded in the previous step.
  5. While the phone is upgrading, download the 1.1.2 jailbreak archive and extract the files to your computer.
  6. If you don't already have Java on your computer, you need to download and install Java runtime first. If you are unsure, check the jailbreak.jar file in the archive you extracted previously - it should have an icon with a coffee cup
  7. When your phone is done upgrading, and shows the Slide for emergency screen, you need to launch the jailbreak java application on your computer. Windows users double click on the windows.bat file, while Mac users can double click on jailbreak.jar file.
  8. An application should appear, with a "Jailbreak" button - click on it and wait while it's jailbreaking. This will take a few minutes, and your phone will restart a few times at the end.
  9. Your phone should now show "Slide to unlock" instead of emergency. If it does, everything was successfull.

If are going to use TurboSIM or a similar SIM-adapter you don't need to unlock - it should work right away. If your phone did not have 1.1.2 when you bought it (old bootloader), you can unlock it to work with any sim-card. To do so, install anySIM 1.2.1u located in Utilities category. Open Settings enable Airplane Mode (very important!) (and set Auto lock to never if you haven't already) and then you can launch anySIM and follow the instructions shown.

Important: 1.1.2 has a bug that causes phone/SMS to crash when used in foreign countries. To fix this, you must Install and run iWorld found in the Tweaks (1.1.2) in Installer. Run the application and select your country. When phone has rebooted you can uninstall iWorld.

Upgrading to 1.1.3

This requires that you already have jailbroken 1.1.2. Open Installer, and Install Official 1.1.3 Upgrader found in the System category. This will download the entire 165MB firmware over Wi-Fi, patch it, and upgrade your phone automaticly. So it may take some time - normally 10-30 minutes. When done your phone should reboot directly to a jailbroken 1.1.3 firmware.

Unlock your iPhone for free!

Unlock your iPhone for free!

This website contains lots of information and tutorials about how to unlock and get the most out of your iPhone. Thanks to Iphone Dev team, elite team, Installer.app team, geohot and all others involved in the iPhone hacking scene!

Latest news:

New and better 1.1.1 jailbreak method

I've released a tweaked version of jailbreakme.com's jailbreak method. To use it, just use i.unlock.no as URL instead of jailbreakme.com when you are about to jailbreak your 1.1.1 phone. More details here.

Status on 1.1.3 jailbreak and unlock

1.1.3 was released on January 15th. There's two jailbreak solutions released. The "offical" jailbreak can be downloaded here. The other one was "unofficially" released by NateTrue, but reports tells that there are some issues with it. Unlock for the new baseband is not released, but should not be necessary if you use the released jailbreak since it won't upgrade the baseband. DON'T upgrade to 1.1.3 using iTunes! 1.1.3 secpack is found, so if you accidently upgraded your OTB 1.1.1 or older it is possible to downgrade.

Info about "out of the box" 1.1.2 unlocking and bootloader downgrading

It's now possible to downgrade the bootloader on out of the box 1.1.2 which has bootloader v4.6. This means that it's also possible to unlock these phones after they are downgraded. To downgrade you will need to use testpoints, meaning the phone needs to be disassembled.

Info about 1.1.2

If you bought a phone that had 1.1.2 preinstalled (it shows a picture of a cable and the iTunes icon), the phone have a new bootloader preventing an easy unlock. It is now possible to downgrade the bootloader, but it requires disassembly and testpoint. Tutorial available here!

Info about virginizing and upgrading old unlocked iPhones

If you have an unlocked 1.0.2 iPhone, or upgraded to 1.1.1 and have "damaged" imei (0049) you need to repair your phone. I have now put together the ultimate repair solution - this is the absolutely easiest way to repair the phones (virginize). To do so, just add http://i.unlock.no/ as a Source in Installer, make sure BSD Subsystem is installed (else it's in the System category) and install The Virginizer found in the Unlocking Tools category. Click here for more details about virginizing. And remember, you got it here first!

iPhone: Gli Hacker Avanzano!

iPhone: Gli Hacker Avanzano!
Come previsto, negli ultimi giorni sono emerse diverse notizie relative ad iniziative di hacking e "unblocking" del supertelefonino di Apple iPhone. Avevamo già annunciato che il famoso reverse engineer Jon Lech Johansen (aka DVD Jon) aveva annunciato sul suo blog "So Sue Me" di aver trovato un modo per "attivare" i dispositivi iPhone senza abbonarsi o fornire i propri dati ad AT&T. Questa metodologia permette di utilizzare iPhone come iPod ed in WiFi, mentre la capacità di effettuare e ricevere chiamate telefoniche risulta mancante. Johansen ha fornito successivamente gli attesi dettagli sulla metodologia di hacking del telefono che includono l'utilizzo di iTunes modificato in determinate location del codice e la modifica del file "hosts" per disattivare il collegamento al dominio albert.apple.com (maggiori dettagli sul blog di Johansen). L'hacker ha anche reso disponibile un programma "Phone Activation Server v1.0" che permette di attivare iPhone per l'utilizzo come iPod+WiFi.

Ma Johansen non è l'unico hacker che sta lavorando sul nuovo dispositivo di Apple. Un gruppo di hacker, "iPhone Dev Wiki Team", sta studiando senza sosta il supertelefonino (e sta pubblicando i propri progressi in una Wiki dedicata in rete).

links e news iPhone: in Italia solo nel 2008? - iPhone: Componenti, Hack e Falle - Altre

iPhone Dev Wiki ha realizzato giorni fa un iPhone Activator Tool, uno strumento proof of concept che permette di attivare e disattivare iPhone a piacimento con un token valido o non valido, frutto dell'analisi fatta sul sistema di attivazione del dispositivo. Un'altra importante milestone "accademica" è stata raggiunta dal gruppo tre giorni fa con la release dell'iPhone Interface Tool che offre numerose funzionalità per la manipolazione del telefono. Il prototipo di questo strumento, utilizzato dagli hacker, permette di eseguire qualsiasi applicazione residente sul telefono, controllare i processi in esecuzione, spostare file ovunque sul telefono, abilitare la visualizzazione verbosa delle informazioni durante il restore del dispositivo, ed attivare il telefono senza iTunes e senza un token. Questa release è molto importante perché apre l'hacking di iPhone ad un gruppo più vasto di "smanettoni" (e questo a vantaggio di futuri rilasci di tool e hack). iPhone Dev Wiki ha rilasciato successivamente altri strumenti, compiendo i primi passi verso la manipolazione del boot loader.

Infine nella giornata di ieri il gruppo ha annunciato di aver reso operativa una interfaccia seriale per iPhone, così come annunciato sul sito/forum hackint0sh. Il connettore dock di iPhone presenta il medesimo pinout di iPod, quindi, per creare una connessione seriale, è bastato collegare una resistenza, la terra e un convertitore di livello RS-232, ed infine eseguire alcuni comandi dall'iPhone Interface Tool. iPhone Dev Wiki ha pubblicato anche una lista dei comandi per l'interfaccia seriale. Data la vastità dell'argomento invitiamo gli interessati a seguire tutti progressi dell'iniziativa di hacking direttamente su iPhone Dev Wiki, tramite il blog iPhone Unlocked e sul canale #iphone @ irc.osx86.hu

Nel frattempo giungono anche notizie di alcune iniziative a scopo commerciale rivolte allo "sbocco" di Apple iPhone. A quanto pare gli ingegneri di UniquePhones, azienda specializzata nello sblocco dei cellulari, stanno lavorando per violare la protezione predisposta da Apple per legare iPhone al provider AT&T e consentire l'utilizzo di altri provider. Giorni fa il blog ufficiale del sito dedicato all'iniziativa aveva annunciato una imminente release pubblica in beta del software di sblocco per iPhone. Tuttavia non sono stati rilasciati aggiornamenti e nuovi dettagli dal 3 Luglio scorso. Uniquephones prevede di vendere il software di sblocco per iPhone a circa $50. Come evidenziato da The Register, è necessario ricordare che l'anno scorso l'US copyright office si era espresso favorevolmente sulla legalità dello sblocco dei cellulari da parte dei clienti per l'utilizzo con un altro operatore. Questa decisione potrebbe essere contestata, in questo caso da AT&T e Apple, ma sicuramente offre agli hacker (ed ad eventuali aziende commerciali) margini di flessibilità per lo sblocco delle funzionalità di iPhone. Bisogna tuttavia ricordare che Apple potrebbe rivalersi legalmente sui tentativi di modifica del firmware del suo telefono, cosa a quanto pare necessaria per l'eventuale integrazione del supporto per altri operatori di telefonia.

The Steve Jobs master plan: iPhone hacking

The Steve Jobs master plan: iPhone hacking

When Steve Jobs and company first envisaged the iPhone, a few things surely came to mind. First, Apple wanted a phone with an appealing design and advanced functionality. In essence, the company wanted a device that was nothing like its predecessors. And while it achieved this feat, Apple was still in need of a carrier. It went to Verizon and others, but it was AT&T that was able to offer it what it wanted: revenue sharing on activations and service plans. Basically, Apple was able to sell the device, make a profit and even capitalize on the iPhone's popularity through AT&T service plans.

And while some may claim the iPhone's real bread and butter is in the AT&T service plans, I disagree. To say that Apple has too much to lose in allowing iPhones to be hacked is a severe misconception.

The rationale for that viewpoint seems to make sense: Apple is getting a cut of every service plan, and with millions of users, the revenue benefits are nothing to scoff at. But what it loses sight of is Apple's real intention.

Steve and his gateway device.

(Credit: Declan McCullagh/CNET News.com)

AT&T is a means to an end. Apple wanted to make a splash in the cell phone business and needed a carrier to do so. The revenue generated from plans is a bonus and was only possible because of the significant leverage Apple wielded before the iPhone's release. The iPhone is not the be-all, end-all of Apple devices--it's a gateway.

More than anything else, Apple is a hardware manufacturer and it relies upon the sales of its core businesses: computers, iPods and multimedia equipment. The iPhone is just another piece of the Apple domination puzzle. Much like the revenue generated from iTunes purchases, the revenue gained from AT&T service plans is a nominal amount when compared to the future benefits of iPhone (and Apple) saturation.

When Apple entered the cell phone market, it had to prove itself. But it was able to negotiate the best cell phone deal in history for one reason: its prior success with the iPod. If there was no such thing as an iPod, would Macs be gaining market share? Would the Apple TV have ever come out? Would Apple be as popular as it is today? No. Much like the iPhone, the iPod was a gateway device that helped catapult the company into other businesses and more beneficial enterprises.

Was it Steve Jobs plan all along?
Prior to its release, the iPhone was being hailed as a landmark device which, unlike most other GSM phones, was locked down to one carrier. After all, it made sense: Apple entered into an exclusivity deal with AT&T (albeit begrudgingly) and was forced to make the device as "unhackable" as possible. But as we all know, nothing is unhackable.

Steve Jobs did his part--he locked the iPhone down quite well and kept saying that he was all for AT&T. He even talked up the fact that the BlackBerry does quite well on AT&T's service just to maintain the iPhone's significant buzz.

But Steve Jobs is not a dumb man. He knew that by making the iPhone exclusive, he was losing out on a significant market of people both home and abroad and his vision for the future of Apple included those that were left out. But alas, the exclusivity deal wasn't that hard to swallow. He, like all of us, knew that people would immediately start to hack the iPhone and unlock it for use on T-Mobile and other services abroad. And once that happened, the benefits could far outweigh the costs of such a hack.

Unlocking a cell phone is neither illegal nor in any direct violation of laws. Apple can't stop anyone from unlocking a cell phone, and to be honest, I don't think it really cares. Apple is playing this recent iPhone unlocking news perfectly. If it overreacted and stopped the hack, it could stymie its future revenue gains, but if it endorses such a maneuver, it effectively leaves AT&T out to dry. Isn't it ironic that AT&T lawyers went knocking on the doors of the hackers while Apple lawyers sipped tea at home?

With a new unlocking procedure in place, the iPhone will become as ubiquitous overseas as it is in the U.S. In a matter of days after the best iPhone unlock is released, we will witness a flurry of sales that will create a watershed moment for Apple.

Here's my prediction: the iPhone unlock will be simple enough for both casual and hard-core users alike to use their new device anywhere. From there, those who are not yet Apple fans will realize the ease of use that comes with Apple products and they will pick up either an iPod--if the iPhone's isn't enough--or a Mac, if it is. Much like the iPod, the iPhone will prove to be a substantial long-term revenue-getter for Apple that will far exceed the lost revenue from the AT&T contract. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if Mac notebook and desktop sales exploded in the next quarter because of this unlock.

Lest we forget, Apple is a company that thrives on hardware sales. Its main business model is to develop appealing products and release them to the public in a way that will make consumers want more Apple devices. Think of how many Apple products there are and consider how many of these products are specifically designed to complement each other. The iPhone is no different--it welcomes us all to the world of Mac OS X--albeit in a stripped-down way--and makes everyone wonder about the benefits of owning other Apple products. In essence, it puts Apple into another realm of our subconscious.

Steve Jobs is probably one of the most intelligent and forward-thinking CEOs who has ever graced the tech industry. Jobs understood that AT&T service plans were a disposable by-product of iPhone sales and realized that the iPhone was just another piece in the puzzle of Apple's complete domination of this industry.

Apple anticipated consumers' next move and did so in a way that would make any businessperson proud. The iPhone was never meant to be a standalone product, it was designed to make Apple the most complete technology company in the world. And with an unlocked iPhone, this could very well become a reality.

iPhone Hacking Kit, the next generation

iPhone Hacking Kit, the next generation


In mid-August, I posted a detailed guide to hacking your iPhone here at iPhone Central. In those free-wheeling bygone days of iPhone hacking you customized and manipulated your phone using a combination of a simple “jailbreak” application and a lot of command-line work in the Mac terminal. To hack your phone then, you had to have access to a lot of different files, you had to transfer these files using arcane commands, and you had to make sure not to screw up, or miss any steps, lest you be forced to start over. If things went well, the entire process took 30-45 minutes.

All of this was possible, of course, thanks to the work of some extremely smart, talented, and resourceful hackers from around the world. Working without any official documentation or tools from Apple, they managed to create — very quickly — an entire iPhone development system, and then use it to create a number of applications.

Now those same hackers have opened up the iPhone even further, allowing hacking “for the rest of us.” In addition to making it possible to hack your phone without ever launching the Mac terminal, or entering a command-line phrase, they’ve created an automatic software update and installation system that is far cooler than any iTunes-based scheme that might come along.

So, while hacking your iPhone the old fashioned way is still a fun way to get to see the guts of the phone’s OS, and possibly learn a little Unix along the way, it’s now much easier to use some of the new tools that are available.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through exactly what those tools are, where to find them, what they do, and how you might want to augment them with a little extra work, depending on the level of hackery that you want to employ.

Onward to the instructions, after the jump.

Uh, again, why would I hack my phone?

Back in ancient times (a few weeks ago), the reasons to hack your iPhone fell largely into the "it's a cool thing to do"/"it's fun"/"it's really geeky" type categories. There were some very handy applications available at the time, such as a screenshot application, but it was largely an exercise in learning about the phone. iPhone hacking is still a good exercise, but there are more and more useful applications arriving all the time.

In addition to games such as a very workable Nintendo emulator, there's now a serviceable AIM client, an RSS reader, a text editor, voice recorder, Twitter client, and more. (See lists at Ste Packaging and Conceited Software.)

And, while it's theoretically possible to screw up your phone by messing around with it, I have yet to hear of a single occurrence of a phone being "bricked" or in any other way messed up to the point where it couldn't be fixed by simply doing a restore.

That said, before you get started, sync your phone so that you've got a good backup, and then dive in. If you want to be very cautious, do a restore of your phone, then sync it (restore from your backup, don't treat it as a new activation) then choose Settings: General: Reset: Reset All Settings. This will give you a very clean phone for the start of your hacking escapes.


iPhone hacking, and all future application installation and updating is now handled by a single application developed by Nullriver, Inc. At the time of this writing, the application is at version 3.0, but development is proceeding very quickly - sometimes with one or two updates a day.

You can download AppTapp for free. AppTap is a Mac application, not something you run on your iPhone. Double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions:

When it asks, select the firmware version that your iPhone is using. If you're not sure which version it's using, you can ask the iPhone itself. Tap Settings: General: About, and you should see a listing for Version.

Select this version in AppTap and click Continue. AppTap will show a progress bar, and ask you to be patient while it takes the 2-3 minutes it needs to hack your phone.

What it's doing is using the same jailbreak exploit that I described in my original hacking article - the exploit that you used by hand using the iFuntastic utility. Basically, what's happening is that AppTap is taking the place of iTunes, interrupting the communication that iTunes would normally be having through the iPhone's USB cable, and using that communications channel to copy files directly to the phone.

Remember, your iPhone is running Unix, just like your Mac, so AppTap is capable of copying files and installing lots of standard Unix routines by simply using tried-and-true Unix protocols and procedures. This is one reason that iPhone hacking is not such a dangerous thing: you're simply using the iPhone's operating system in the way that it was intended to be used. After a simple hardware hole has been exploited.

When AppTap is finished, your phone will restart and iTunes will launch. You're done! Your phone is hacked!

So what do I get with this hack?

In case you haven't already noticed, there's now an additional icon on your iPhone's home screen (a screen otherwise known as the "Springboard"). This is Nullriver's excellent, very clever Installer application.

Installer not only knows how to install software, it automatically checks with a central database to find out what applications are out there to be had, and whether or not any of your installed applications have updates available. As with any other online function, Installer will work quicker with a Wi-Fi connection than with an EDGE connection. However, most iPhone apps are very small, so even over Edge you can grab new versions fairly quickly.

Tap Installer to launch it. It will immediately check with the Installer "mothership" to find out what new options you might have. Most likely, the first thing that you'll see will be the Update screen, which will offer you an update to the Installer itself. If it doesn't appear automatically, tap the Update tab to see if there's an update to Installer. Tap this and a screen will present that shows you some details about the package. Tap Install to install the package.

When it's done, it will ask you to restart the Installer. Press the Home button on the phone and then wait a moment while it thinks for a bit. You'll see a small Mac-like spinning gear icon in the center of the screen while it thinks. Your phone will eventually return to the unlock screen.

Now run the Installer again. Now you should see a list of applications divided into different categories: Community, Games, Network, Ringtones, and System. Within each of these will be applications that you can tap on to install.

Right off the bat, you should install Community Sources, which will open up the Installer app to many more applications. Tap it, then tap the Install button. Basically, these are all applications that are not maintained by Nullriver, so they have been grouped into a separate installation set. It's up to you to decide if you trust them or not. So far, I haven't had any trouble with any of these apps.

The four tabs at the top of Installer app let you switch between Installing apps provided by the main app server, updating apps that you've already installed, uninstalling something you've already installed, and viewing "source" information about the developers of the apps you've installed.

Every time you launch Installer, it will automatically phone home, update its program list as needed and -- if anything you've installed has since been updated -- will automatically take you to the Update pane. This means you can install, update, and remove programs without being reliant on a Mac or iTunes at all. The iPhone itself becomes a completely self-sufficient, self-sustaining and self-modifiable computer. This is a very cool hack that we can only hope will survive future firmware updates.

Install an App

Now try installing an actual application. Your Install page may differ from the ones shown here, as new applications are released and updated. But you should have a listing for ApolloIM, an iChat-compatible chat client that, at the time of this writing, is in version 0.1.1.

Tap it in the Installer, then hit the Install button. As before, the Installer will go to the server, download the app, and install it. When it's finished, click the Home button to relaunch the Springboard, and you should see a new ApolloIM icon.

Apollo is a great first effort, and now that you have it installed, Installer will automatically notify you when it's updated. You can define multiple accounts in Apollo, but only one can be specified as the active account. This is the one that will be used when you log on. (Another chat client has also arrived on the scene, MobileChat.)

Here's what some of the other things are that you'll find in Installer:

• Under the Development category, you should see Perl, Python, and Ruby and yes, these are full implementations of those scripting languages.

• Under Games you'll find a few listings, but many of them, such as Aquarium, iPhoneDoom, and Zune2 are really just development exercises that serve to explore some of the tools that have been developer tools that have been built for the iPhone. There are three games that are worth looking at:

• Lights Off is a completely native iPhone game wherein you try to get all of the lights on a grid lit by tapping on different square. Each square that you tap on lights a different selection.

NES is a full-blown Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. Now at version 1, the system is very playable thanks to its exploitation of the iPhone's Multitouch interface and landscape screen mode. For this to work, you'll need to install special ROM files, something we'll look at later.

Frotz is an interpreter for the old Infocom text adventure games. If you enjoy "interactive fiction" this is a great time suck application to have on your phone. As with NES, you'll need to copy some additional files, a process we'll detail later.

• Under Multimedia, you'll find SendSong, which lets you email any song in your iTunes library using the iPhone's mail program. This is a great way to share music with your friends and attract a lawsuit from the RIAA. SendSong displays a simple scrolling list of every song on your iphone. When you click on one, you get a simple list of options, including the option to use the song as a ringtone! Note that after after you've sent the song to ringtones, you still need to go to Settings: Sound: Ringtones, and then select the song. If you later want to remove that song from the Ringtones list (which will free up some storage space) click the Edit button in Song Sender, and delete the song.

You'll also find VNotes, a simple voice recorder.

• Under Network, you'll find a full Apache web server; DNS Tools, which provides command-line DNS utilities; and TinyProxy, which is a proxy server. While most people will probably not want to host their web site from their phone, there are some other cool, handy applications in this section: BitchX and iRCm are IRC clients that lets you chat on Internet Relay Chat channels. MobileTwitterrific is a Twitter client, if you're into Twittering. ncftp is a command line FTP client that lets you transfer files to and from your iPhone using standard FTP commands.

• Under Productivity, you'll find Books, an eBook reader; two flash card applications; MobileMoney, a simple finance application, and a file manager called Squid which lets you browse your iPhone's directory structure and change permissions for any file, just as you would from the command line using chmod.

• Under Ringtones, you'll find the Nullriver Ringtone Pack, a collection of ringtones by the author of Installer.

• Under System, you'll find Dock and Launcher, two applications for handling the fact that the Springboard doesn't scroll. If you want to install more than four applications, you'll need one of these programs. Launcher simply provides a second screen containing more icons, while Dock presents a small yellow blob in the lower right corner of the screen. When you tap and drag on it, you see an array of installed apps. Note, though, that Dock is incompatible with some command-line applications such as those found in Erica's Utilities. You'll also find two terminal applications, which we'll come back to in a bit. You should find BSD Subsystem, and OpenSSH, which we'll also return to in a bit.

Finally, under Utilities, you'll find iLight, which turns your iPhone into a blank white screen to serve as a flashlight; MobileFinder, another file browser; MobilePreview, which lets you view image files in MobileFinder; MobileRSS, an RSS reader; MobileTextEdit, a simple text editor that also requires MobileFinder; rSBT, which lets you re-order the icons on your Springboard; and SwapTunes, which lets you sync with two different iTunes libraries.

And finally, there's Erica's Utilities, a very handy set of command-line utilities written by Erica Sadun (also the author of SendSong and VNotes) that you can read more about here.

Taking More Control

As you can see, with just the Installer app and the applications available, you can do a fair amount of customization of your phone, from adding new applications, to adding custom ringtones, to re-arranging your Springboard.

Now we're going to talk about going a little bit deeper. We're going to install some additional standard Unix commands so that you can easily copy files to and from your phone. This is required for adding game files for the NES and Frotz games. We're also going to install SSH, which will allow you to take advantage of many of the command-line iPhone utilities such as screenshot applications and more.

From the Installer's System category, install BSD Subsystem. This will give you a suite of standard Unix commands, including the ability to make and remove directories and, most importantly, the SCP command, which lets you transfer files to and from the iPhone.

Next, click on OpenSSH. This will install a Secure Shell on your iPhone, which will let you control the phone from a Mac terminal window. With these packages in place, we're ready to try some additional hacks. You won't see any new icons in your Springboard, as these are all command-line applications that have been installed.

Now we're ready to install and remove additional files. For example, if you've installed NES on your iPhone you'll want to install some ROM files for your favorite games. First of all, you've got to have the ROM files. These are "around" and you should be able to "find" them fairly easily.

You have several options for how to move files to your phone. To use any of them, you'll first have to determine your phone's IP address. On the phone, go to Settings: Wi-Fi and click on the details button for your chosen network.

The easiest way to move files to and from your phone is to use an FTP program on your Mac, such as Panic Software's Transmit, which is the FTP program I'll use for this example. Launch Transmit, and click the Connect tab. Change Protocol to SFTP, then enter your iPhone's IP address in the Server field. Enter root for User Name and dottie for the password. Then click Connect.

Your iPhone's root directory should appear. Navigate to /var/root/Media and create a new folder called ROMs. Open that folder and create a new folder inside it called NES. Open that folder and then copy your unzipped ROM files into it.

If you don't have access to an FTP client, you can open a Terminal window on your Mac and use the SCP command to move files back and forth. See my previous tutorial on how to use SCP.

Frotz game files go in /var/root/Media/Frotz/Games

Once the files have been copied, they should appear when you launch either app.

You can use that same IP address to connect to your phone via the command line using ssh. From the terminal, enter ssh root@[ip address] and then, when prompted, enter the password dottie. You should see a prompt indicating that you're now in a shell on the phone. The first time you connect, it can take a long time--up to a minute--to connect. That's because OpenSSH is creating the keys needed for the Mac to securely talk to the iPhone. Future connections will be much faster. The BSD Subsystem that you installed includes most of the commands that you'll be used to if you have any terminal experience.

From this shell, you can use Erica's Utilities, which provides a number of excellent, handy functions such as screen shots and the ability to email full-res files from the iPhone's camera (rather than the 640-by-480 down-sampled versions that it usually generates.

You might also want to ssh into your phone and change its default password. Now that you have ssh, scp, and ftp on your phone, it's possible for someone in public to hack into your phone, since you're using a widely known password. But it's very unlikely that this would ever happen. To generate a new password, follow the instructions in my previous tutorial. (And if you've already generated your master.passwd file from the previous hacking kit, you can skip that step and upload the master.passwd file into the right place.)

More to come

Just in the time it's taken me to write this article two more games have appeared in the Installer menu. This is how quickly development is proceeding. What's great about Nullriver's Installer program is that you don't have to watch lots of web sites, trawl through an IRC channel, or generally be in the know to keep abreast of the coolest new apps. Just launch Installer, and see if anything new shows up.

What we haven't looked at in this article are the simple hacks that you can perform with iFuntastic version 3, a free app that lets you add custom ringtones, change the Springboard background, re-arrange your Springboard icons, and more.

Apple's most recent firmware update did not alter anything about the exploit that makes jailbreaking an iPhone possible, nor did it initiate any type of checksumming that would cause the phone to delete installed or altered files. Hopefully this is a sign that Apple is at least passively supportive of the development that is going on, and will allow it to continue.

The named, nameless, and psuedonymic hackers that have made this possible deserve a great deal of thanks, and many of them provide paypal buttons that let you donate money. If you want to see this type of development continue, throw a few dollars their way.